Robert Santucci Testimonial

Customer Testimonials

Property Owner
My experience has always been that they handle all aspects of the transactions in a professional manner.
Robert Santucci
Seattle, WA

I have dealt with Metropolitan Management Company for over 20 years. My experience has always been that they handle all aspects of the transactions in a professional manner. The true test of any investment opportunity is how they treat you when times are rough. As anyone knows, the real estate market took some tough hits in 2008, 2009 and 2010. Ray Russo, Jeanne Sommerville and Steve Barrett were always up front in discussing options and situations and they did a fantastic job of getting us through the really difficult times.   I have been with them in the good times and their service is fabulous then, but what really impressed me was how they handled themselves when bad news came. I highly recommend using Metropolitan Management Company for any real estate investments. I am currently enjoying the returns on several investments with them.